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Dawson Leery

Dawson Leery 

Played by:  James Van Der Beek

Age: 15 (1st season) - 25 (6th season)
Interests: Film- making - Steven SPIELBERG
Best friends: Joey Potter/ Pacey Witter 
Town: Capeside
School: Capeside High School
Favorite Movie: ET
Sibling/s: Lillian Leery

"All the mysteries of the universe, all the answers to life's questions can be found in a Spielberg film".

1st Season:
The first season is really an eye opener for Dawson Leery. He is one of the few characters who constantly has an optimistic outlook on life and is a big dreamer. From early childhood Dawson had a passion for film-making and it is his all time dream, a goal he is determined to see come true. With his best friend Joey at his side, he travels through life with her, that is until Jen Lindley moves in next door. Dawson was immediately attracted to Jen and ran headfirst into his first relationship and experienced his first kiss with her. However, as Dawson spends all this time worrying about Jen, he forgets Joey and they begin to move apart. After his parents break up (after finding his mum cheating on his dad), Dawson befriends Joey again and, to add to his muddled up life, Jen dumps him. In this season Dawson slowly discovers his true feelings by Joey and, step by step, he realises that he loves her in the way that she loves him and he finally gets the courage to kiss her in the last episode.
2nd Season
Dawson and Joey start of well but their relationship is shortly cut off due to the arrival of Jack McPhee, who takes interest of Joey. Dawson, confused and lonely, is cut from his best friend and girl friend, all in one. This forces Dawson back into the open arms of Jen Lindley who helps him let loose and have a little fun. However, not long after Joey comes crying (literally) to Dawson when Jack comes out of the closet and the best friends are re-united once again.
Dawson celebrates his 16th birthday in this season and he rocks up to his 'surprise' party drunk, under the unsuspecting eyes of Pacey after a night at a bar with Andie McPhee and during this he unintentionally insults all his friends and his parents.
For the remainder of this season Dawson helps Joey through family problems and he helps her out when her dad returns from prison. The two soon get back into a relationship but again, it is short lived. When he discovers that her dad is dealing with drugs again, he is stuck in between two rights - whether to tell Joey and hurt her or not tell anyone and wait out the consequences of his actions. He dobs him in and he is sent back to prison, and Joey blames Dawson for it, vowing she never wants to see him again.
3rd Season
This season Dawson is still trying to win back Joey's love, although they both date other people throughout the season. Eve, a girl Dawson is attracted to, comes and goes. Dawson worries that Joey is still upset from the deal with her father and he asks Pacey to help her out and be a friend when he can't, but is soon jealous by how close his two friends get. The love triangle starts, and from here on in it is a fight between Dawson and Pacey for the girl of both their dreams, Joey Potter. The season ends with Dawson left on the pier after his parents wedding (second- they got back together) sobbing when Joey leaves on a boat with Pacey for a romantic summer on the waters.
4th Season:
Dawson struggles over the summer with the idea of Pacey and Joey and he loses hope in his passions and dreams. When his two former best friends return, he watches as they live in the relationship that he always wanted, and distances himself from them. He soon however is friends again with Joey, but he feels that he could never forgive Pacey for stealing Joey, his 'soulmate' from him.  Dawson finds himself falling for Pacey's older sister, Gretchen, who had come back to town and Pacey allows the relationship. A old film director re-ignites Dawson's passion for film-making and not long later he has a film up and running again. His sister Lilian is born just as Dawson and his friends graduate from high school and leave to go in their different directions- for Dawson, its a film school called USC in California. This also means breaking up with his girlfriend, Gretchen.
5th Season
In this season Dawson intentionally separates himself from the group but is soon re-united with them back in Capeside when they all gather to mourn for his fathers death. This event has left Dawson feeling in charge of his heartbroken mother and 1 year old sister who will never know her father. Eventually he moves to Boston to be with Joey and their friends and finds himself back with ex-girlfriend Jen, losing his virginity with her. He meets another aspiring filmmaker and together they make a movie which turns out quite successful. He flies back to California for the summer after a fight with Joey and they two don't speak until the following year.
6th (and last) Season: Dawson re-united with Joey after a summer apart and the two finally sleep together but is, like there previous relationships, short lived. In the morning, Dawson straight away call breaks it off with his girlfriend from LA but Joey gets angry because he was seeing someone else whilst sleeping with her. That was it for their relationship. Dawson once again movies back in LA and gets back together with Natasha, his ex girlfriend. Living in his film-making dream, Dawson works with a producer, and later good friends, Todd and together they experience ups and downs with their movie. Dawson finally begins to forgive Pacey after years of awkwardness and trusts Pacey with his entire savings for film-making to invest in the stock market (Paceys job) and is lost and angry again when the stock falls through. When Pacey manages to raise some money to give for Dawson, he realises that there may be both for a future friendship. With his new money, Dawson, with the help of all his friends, starts to make a movie based of his childhood in Capeside.

Series Finale (5 years later)

 5 years down the track Dawson is a successful film-maker, directing his TV show, The Creek, a show based on him and Joey growing up. 
The group of friends re-unite for his mothers 3rd wedding with her new partner and he learns that his close friend - Jen Lindley is dying of heart abnormality. He helps Jen leave a video message for her one year old daughter, Amy, just before she dies.
The season ends with Dawson, although rejected by Joey in real life, getting his happy in his TV series when the two main characters end up together. He is arranged to meet his idol, Spielberg, and is happy, knowing he achieved his dream.

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