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Pacey Witter

Pacey Witter

Played by: Joshua Jackson

Age: 15-25
Interests: Sailing/ Boats
Best Friends: Dawson Leery/ Joey Potter
Town: Capeside
School: Capeside High School
Sibling/s: Doug Witter, Gretchen Witter, Kerry Witter

1st Season:
Pacey is the class clown of Capeside. He is a lovable character but like all the others he has experienced hard times. At the age of 15 he is seduced by an older woman who turns out to be his new English teacher and loses his virginity, all which is illegal. As rumors start to spread about Pacey and 40 year old Miss Jacobs to the point where she has to go to court. When Pacey bails her out, she has no choice but to leave town, which ends their relationship.
Later on in this season Pacey and Joey are forced to do a biology project together and during this time he forms some minor feelings for her, but they are dismissed when Dawson doesn't give his permission because he is questioning his own feelings for her.
Pacey and Joey enter a beauty pageant to try win some money and he performs a comical skit from Brave Heart.
2nd Season
You can see that Pacey goes through some changes in this season. To start off, he frosts the tips of his hair and then he gets a sudden burst of motivation and wants to to do well in school, thanks to his new girlfriend, Andie Mcphee. He succeeds, scoring his first A. In this season, Andie develops some metal health issues that are related to her eldest brothers death the previous year, and although Pacey stands by her and is supportive and loving it causes a break in there relationship when she has a nervous breakdown and has to leave for a metal health clinic.
In this season Pacey becomes quite attached not only to Andie but also to her other older brother, Jack Mcphee. When Jack is forced to read a poem that he wrote that reveals a possible change in his sexuality, Pacey stands up for him and helps him through the taunts and rumors from the rest of the town.
Pacey struggles with his relationship with his family, especially his father who is not supportive and prefers Doug over Pacey. Although quality time is rare for Pacey to get with his father, when a nice word comes his way he, although reluctant to except it, is grateful.
3rd Season
Pacey is assigned the job of keeping an eye on Joey while Dawson spends the summer with his mum and he very quickly forms feelings for her. This is the cause of the love triangle with Joey stuck in the middle and Pacey fights very hard to win her heart. Although he is once again tempted to Andie he has all eyes for Joey. He has to pay a price for his love though, and that is the end of a friendship with Dawson, which he gives up for Joey. Throughout the season he works hard to build his little boat, True Love, and is sets sail for a summer in the seas with his new girlfriend, Joey Potter.
                                                      4th Season
Returning from 3 months on the ocean he and Joey are thrown back into reality. All throughout his high school life he is threatened by failure and when he finally reaches his final year he needs to re-take some subjects from the previous year to have a chance of graduating with the others. After sleeping with Joey on a ski trip he begins to feel like nothing compare to her and snaps out at prom, ending their relationship. He succeeds with his grades but skips graduation and prepares for another summer on the ocean.
5th Season
In this season Pacey settles into Boston and becomes a chef at a local fancy restaurant. He remains in touch with his childhood friends, all besides Dawson, although there relationship slowly improves. Pacey and Joey's roommate, Audrey get into a relationship and continues throughout the season. When the head chef leaves at his restaurant and a new manager comes in he is fired when he argues about the new 'improvements' and goes back to Capeside to work but soon leaves to spend a romantic summer in LA with Audrey.
6th Season
In the final season of Dawson's Creek Pacey experiences many life lessons and makes many highs and lows. He breaks up with Audrey, re-evaluates his relationship with Joey and he gets a job as a stock investor which he proves to be quite good at. Pacey, finally on good terms again with Dawson, losses his trust again when the stock that Dawson invested in fell and he lost all of his money, which got Pacey fired. He is left, friendless and jobless, to pick up the remains of the money and find whatever he can  to five back to Dawson before leaving Capeside again and returning to Boston.

Series Finale
5 years on Pacey is back in Capeside and head chef/ manager of the Ice House which he re-built. Re-united with Joey and his childhood friends for Gails wedding he realises that he still can't get over Joey and they kiss, but the moment ended when they see that Jen is dying. Her dying wish was for Joey to choose between him and Dawson, and she chooses him. After Jen dies Pacey and Joey leave to live in her apartment in New York. 

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